Thursday, February 24, 2011


It happens to me every year with the coming of spring. My artist-self has a rough time trudging through the end of the winter months. Things are changing for me and they're currently floating somewhere in between confusion and satisfaction...

This is a good thing (or at least I try to tell myself it is)!

Luckily I have a really great bunch of friends at FableVision who know me well enough to lift me up, brush me off, and encourage me to keep going. That's what this comic is about...loosely. :) It's a chunk of story taken from a larger story that wasn't working. I drew most of this over a year ago and let it collect virtual dust for so long. But I picked it up, got it dressed, straightened out it's tie, and learned to let go of the pieces that weren't working. (Which, for this particular story means about 20 pages - GULP!) To view the whole comic, please visit this link.
And thanks for reading, everyone!


  1. Well I think it is lovely even if it didn't worked out!

  2. Made me smile! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I read the whole thing and it's adorable. I love that cat!

  4. Aww thanks everyone :) I'm glad you like it!

  5. Adorable illustration!

  6. HA! Awesome drawings. Really fun gestures.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Timmy! I love your illustrations of him. So cute! Happy to hear you've got some fab people to help you through the blahs of winter...and the letting go of things left undone. :) I feel ya there!
