Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Over here!

Buttoning up some unfinished portfolio business tonight, I thought I'd do just a few more girlie images to go with this set. Here is one of them. She's actually wearing a Persian Rug and likely signaling to somebody across the room. :) 
I filmed myself working on this one, though I didn't film it right to the finish. I'll post very soon!


  1. I had an AD once tell me to tone down the boobs in my portfolio. I subsequently stripped everything out and then got stuck not drawing from my intuition. Thanks for sharing this and the GDG makes me realize there is a place for it somewhere.

  2. Ha! Well I suppose it depends on the market. I think I probably should have about 3 different portfolios but I don't. It's an art form all on it's own trying to fit all my work together like puzzle pieces!

    (Maybe you can gear one portfolio to the YA market) :)
    Thanks Jennifer, you're always so super sweet.
